Saturday, January 08, 2011

Morat Aggressionist Uprising

My first box of Infinity models arrived today - 4 Combined Army Morat Yaogat Elite Infantry.

The box quotes them as masters of 'Search and Maximum Damage Destruction missions'.... Yeah, I know - thats GOTTA be good.

Heres the front of the box:

They are armed as follows, from left to right:
Combirifle and Grenades
Combirifle and Panzerfaust
Boarding Shotgun and Panzerfaust

Here they are built:

And here is another shot with the flash on, terrible really but has a nice dramatic flair about it.

And here is a size comparrison with PP and GW models.

They've since been based in a nice easy gravel/chunk motiff, which will get a small foliage/ash emblishment once painted.

But now to the nitty gritty...

Despite their slighter, more realistic proportions, they were an absolute breeze to make. The arms have very clear shoulder joints, shaped so they sit firmly. With a very thin sliver of fresh soft green stuff in there and a light drop of super glue, it stuck fast in s couple of miniutes easy. I hope that the larger models are as easily built, as I have my eye on an Avatar.

This should be an interesting set to paint - Ive not done anything this fine since some of the GW LotR range, and even then the detail wasn't as fine.

Speaking of detail -wow! I can see no mould lines, mismoulds, all the detail is well defined - they are truely impressive both aesthetically and technically. GW should chat to these guys, seriously!

Ironically for me, the Morat look kinda like a cross between Tau and Kroot - no wonder I was drawn to them.

This does however give me some ideas for painting schemes already - bring back my blue/black night ops camo scheme from my Tau Kill Team, or use the traditional orange and brown Tau scheme, which I have never actually used, so would be even more tastily ironic!

Im not going to spray them today, as they will be getting their first combat action on Tuesday during Ants Infinity Demo Tues 11/1/2011, so saves recoating an undercoat.

But they will be done before my final 3 Circle of Orboros models (Reeves Hunter and Reeves UA) as they have truely caught my imagination - plus, as already stated, houlder mounted rocket launchers never go out of fashion!

Monday, January 03, 2011

And so the endless march to War begins...

My mass foray into non-GW gaming expereinces starts in erneast with £50 worth of Morat Agressionist Forces for Infinity.

3 Morat Vanguard, 1 Morat Vanguard HMG, 1 Morat Vanguard Hacker, 2 Daturazi Witch Soldiers, 1 Rasyat were ordered, but because shoulder mounted rocket launchers never go out of fashion, I then added 4 Yaogat Elite Infantry.

My 200pts starting list is everything but 3 Yaogat, with 6 points and 2.5 SWC left. All I need to do is get them (damn the postal service) and order some suitable awesome bases for them.

I look forward to posting pics of the naked Morat team soon.

With my 2000pts Flame Falcon Space Marine army soon to go on sale, I also forsee the Malifaux rule book and Cult of December in my near future, with a Sabertooth Cerberus if I can stretch it.

In the meant time, my gaze towards a self written (from scratch - no more Kill Team mods) miniature gaming system has stalled - bloody Mass Effect 2. Playing it (with all the DLC) has left me with it on the brain, so much so, I want to turn it into a 28mm game system. I see a combo of Warmachine, Kill Team, Infinity and Space Hulk (yeah, you read that last one right)

So I do here by declare that I am going to write a 28mm gaming systemn based on Mass Effect 2's combat system.... Im expecting the Desist order in the post naytime now....