Friday, December 24, 2010

New Years (Combat) Resolutions

Rather than post up photos of miniatures unpainte (yeah, Ive done loads of late) I wanted to run someting past you.

Usually, my New Years Resoluations are stark in their absence, but the last few years I have made, and 80% stuck to. This year sees the usual financial stability and oaths to partner ones, but I wanted a hobby one this year to cement a mind set I have been mulling over for a good while now, thanks to my LGS.

"In 2011, I am going to clear out my GW non-specialists models and focus on Specialist and Non-GW systems."

Now, this is not due to some evil and malevolent anti-GW hatred. In fact, I love the specialist range (Bloodbowl, Kill Team rules, Necormunda and Warhammer Quest will always be true soul of GW to me anyway) but because having worked there and known nothing but them for nearly 12 years, I no longer find as much joy or inspiration within the ranks of the top 3 systems. Even Forgeworld's lovelies dont sway me with the force they used to. But all bets are off it the Tau Alilance codex turns out to be any good ;-)

So where to find my fix? Well, I have been playing Privateer Press' Hordes for a year now (Circle and Legion - Im dirrrrty) and love it, so thats Number One on the list. Skirmish to army level combat, great rules, lovely models, and I can get all I need in one case - that seems to be a recurring theme as I look back over my chocies, something I look at later.

Number Two is Spartan Games' Firestorm Armarda, so I will finally add a fleet box to the one Sorylian carrier Ive painted (my FW Tau ships make a rather nice Aquan/Terran stand in in short term)

Number Three is another Spartan Games' release - the new Dystopia. This company now single handedly provides my megalomania requirements for large forces of armoured behemoths duking it out from below the seas all the way to amongst the stars!

Number Four is an easy choice, as I have seen the models, seen the system, and wanted to get into it for soooo long - Malifaux. The Cult of December models look great, have fun rules, and I can already see a Snow Leopard painted Sabertooth Cerberus being added, so thats a win. Recent Freikorps release just sweatened the deal - Im going to do the two along side each other as a sort of Nazi Winter Occult Task Force (or something).

Four seemed enough, but as already stated, I love Kill team, but wanted something tha was more involved and more 'spicy'. I did write a version for my LGS community with them all, but it still pales in comparrison to Inifinity. The ARO sstem alone means that you will always be in the action, and means that you REALLY have to consider every move more. Means Ill suck more than usual, but the dynamic sculpts and spectacularly eclectic mix of the Combined Army meant I was sold. The ninja Yu Jing army is an equal deligh - ninjas, samurai, Akira style bikers and a transformer... Number Five lock in!

Oh, and Six is Areana Deathmatch from Avatars of War - any game that lets you field ANY GOD DAMN MODEL you want for a certain hero (as long as base size is correct) and then gives the crowd a chance to get invoved in the fighting wins me over!

Now all that verbal drooling over models aside, I final came to a conclusion of what I enjoy in games.

1) I like my collection to fit in one case with room to spare for expansion. My Tau army is two cases and only going o explode if I start hitting FW and the new tau Alliance codex when it comes out.
2) Dynamic/unusual models. GW have some great models, I am not dissing th quality, but they lack dynamics due to ranking up etc. Skimirsh games dont worry about that, they do what they bloody want, and it looks all the better for it. Even with Spartan Games, the models are totally unlike anything in BFG. They are completely fresh, and sometimes models int he armies stick out as not realy fitting in - again, they arent afraid to break their own mould.
3) Small armies. I love painting, but not endless amounts of the same model. Id rather field a collection of 40 different models than paint 3 units of 40 highly similar models. Thats a preference, Im not dissing over it.
4) Some chance to mess with models, creatively speaking. Using my FW Tau for Firestorm. Arena Deathmatchs allowance to sue ANY Dark Elf hero or ANY Dwarf Berseker - I can pillage my fav models from where ever I want for it! YAY!

The playing side doesn't seem to worry me. As long as I get a good opponent who I get on well with, its all good - any system is fun with the right person. As such, use gaming as another opportunity to catch up with people. Its a means to an end really. Its just a reallt fun means!

Anyways, thats my mind-pouring done for the year.

I look forward to my X-Mas money and the new models and gaming expereinces it will bring - roll on 2011 - ITS ON!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Welcome to the Wolfs Eye View

Welcome to my humble blog, where I will be posting up images of projects past, present and future toget you thinking what you can do in the hobby known only as 'The Hobby'.

Currently I am working on a skirmish rule set for Warhammer 40K called Tyrants Test, written for Table Top Tyrants, of whom I am a proud member.

As well as the rules, I am also working on converting up 3 new teams, as well as tiding up 3 teams from models I already have.

Coming soon are:
  • Tau Hazardous Environment or Urban Enviroment Team
  • Imperial Guard STC Hunters
  • Legion Corpse Taker and supporting Astartes and Armsmen
  • Deathwatch Kill Team Nova